How pleasant to drop by to say "hello" and find a picture of my favorite city on earth. I would love to share picture of Santa Barbara with you. I try to get there at least once a year. I love the toy story "Devil annd Deep Blue Sea" is it still there? Oh the coast is magnificent in the summer, I miss it so. I must take a trip that way in October. Take care, and congratualtions on making the list with me. I also want to invite you to pay me a visit on both my journals. We are playing Madlibs on my main journal tomorrow and you are certainly welcome to play along. :)
Always, Carly :) (My main journal )
Gorgeous! That boat has watermelon colors! -Krissy
Hello Mary Louise :)
How pleasant to drop by to say "hello" and find a picture of my favorite city on earth. I would love to share picture of Santa Barbara with you. I try to get there at least once a year. I love the toy story "Devil annd Deep Blue Sea" is it still there? Oh the coast is magnificent in the summer, I miss it so. I must take a trip that way in October. Take care, and congratualtions on making the list with me. I also want to invite you to pay me a visit on both my journals. We are playing Madlibs on my main journal tomorrow and you are certainly welcome to play along. :)
Always, Carly :) (My main journal )
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